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  • Writer's pictureCopywriter Kazuo Nakamura

Review of ad copy posted on New Year's Day 2020

~ Trends of notation learned from newspaper advertisements ~

No.002 | B. Copy Review | B-001

KHO-KOKU means advertising,AD.

Reiwa's first New Year newspaper advertisement

January 1, 2020. The newspaper on New Year's Day, which marks the beginning of the new year, was once again crowded with full-scale advertisements by many major companies.

On New Year's Day, there will be more opportunities to come into contact with newspapers during homecoming and consecutive holidays, so it is a great opportunity for each publishing company to convey their thoughts and future on paper.

Since it is the New Year, it can be said that there is a tendency for recognition and branding advertisements such as the company's philosophy and declaration to be posted rather than advertising such as individual products and campaigns, so-called sales promotion (SP) appeal.

Therefore, it is New Year's Day newspaper advertisement that you can encounter copywriting that is a bit different from the usual SP tone.

On New Year's Day 2020, there were high-quality advertisements and copies that made us feel that we were heading for a new era, probably because of the first year of Reiwa.

Gently explain the copy of the newspaper advertisement on New Year's Day

In the subsection, we picked up copywriting that will be noticeable and helpful when writing in business and daily life from the full-page advertisement of the newspaper published on New Year's Day 2020, especially "copy that shows the tendency of notation". I will pay attention to it and explain it gently.

As the text to be taken up, rather than the main catch phrase, I will pick up a sentence called lead copy or body copy that follows it.

We hope that you can use these advertisements as a model for reference not only in copywriting and copywork, but also in various business and daily writing scenes.

* The commentary is based on the trends of editing, publishing, and projects related to the past, and is not conclusive.

* The titles are omitted below.



Image: Shueisha newspaper advertisement.

▽ Quoted part (one line space omitted)

~ Abbreviation ~ It is a number of characters and stories that have been loved for a long time. Its appeal further to deliver for going to, I us Hamou, " this " in the form of Good does not. Anime and movies , of course , the event experience, including a stage through , " read " more fun, more. The possibilities of content are endless. 2020 . Shueisha is, the challenge will you.

* Source: January 1, 2008 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition 5 pages (full-page advertisement)


▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

○ Further / Iku / Tame / (We) / Commitment / Of course / Iki (Masu)

△ Further / Go / For / (We) / Insistence / Of course / Go (Masu)

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Emphasized mark * Red part

○ "Book" "Read"

☆ Commentary

・ When emphasizing, the wording is often enclosed in "".

-Single quotation marks ('') and double quotation marks ("") are used when quoting.

・ "" Is used for master-slave such as "album name" and "recorded song".

・ <> ≪≫ [] [] are used for subject lines and headings.

▼ Kanji notation * Red part

○ Through

△ Through

☆ Commentary

・ Often written in kanji.

・ There are many hiragana notations when "through (...)".

▼ Chinese numeral notation * Red part

○ 2020 (year)

☆ Commentary

・ Because of vertical writing (because the advertiser Shueisha is also the same), full-width Chinese numeral notation is often preferred in paper media.

Image: Newspaper advertisement for "Picture Book NEO" at Shogakukan.

▽ Quoted part

I want to make a picture book with everything on it . The dream, " picture book NEO manufacturer " in why not come true? Please make your favorite cover and post it . We will use it as a reference for deciding the theme of the new picture book .

* Source: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition 6 pages (full-page advertisement)


▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

○ Please / Please

△ Please / Get

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Kanji notation * Red part

○ Make

☆ Commentary

-Although there is a notation of "create, make", there are many notations of "make" in copywriting.

-Since there are multiple notations as described above, the hiragana notation is often used as "make".

▼ Service name * Red part

○ "Picture book NEO maker"

☆ Commentary

・ Company names, product names, service names, etc. are often enclosed in "".

-Single quotation marks ('') and double quotation marks ("") are used when quoting.

・ "" Is used for master-slave such as "album name" and "recorded song".

・ <> ≪≫ [] [] are used for subject lines and headings.



Image: Newspaper advertisement of Kodansha's "Kodansha Large Illustrated".

▽ Quoted part (Line breaks on the display will be Nariyuki)

It was good at that time ... Adults often say that. But Kodansha is the opposite. I ca n't help looking forward to " from now on " . Child us of the time , was dreaming to the future as to. Why don't you get excited together? More global and more realistic. Entertainment that transcends the boundaries of publishing , one after another this year.

* Source: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition 9 pages (full-page advertisement)


▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

○ Koro / No / Yo (ni)

△ Around / None / Sama (ni)

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Three-point leader mark (…) * Red part

○ "..."

☆ Commentary

・ Three-point leaders (as well as Kodansha, the advertiser) often prefer two-letter notation, such as "...", especially on paper media.

・ On the web, "..." may be garbled as a subscript, and "..." and a bullet (・) may be used.

▼ "Child" notation * Red part

○ (children)

△ (child) offering

☆ Commentary

・ "~ Domo" is often written in hiragana because it is disdainful or unpleasant.

▼ Emphasized mark * Red part

○ "From now on"

☆ Commentary

・ When emphasizing, the wording is often enclosed in "".

-Single quotation marks ('') and double quotation marks ("") are used when quoting.

・ "" Is used for master-slave such as "album name" and "recorded song".

・ <> ≪≫ [] [] are used for subject lines and headings.

▼ Entertainment * Red part

○ Entertainment / Entertainment

△ Entertainment / Entertainment / Entertainment, etc.

☆ Commentary

・ It is often written as "entertainment" according to English spelling (Entertainment) and pronunciation.

・ However, in the case of record companies and movie distribution companies, the official company name is applied.



Image: Toyota's "Toyo-taims" newspaper advertisement.

▽ Quoted part (Line breaks on the display will be Nariyuki)

~ Approximately ~

just a year ago that he. I began the interview was appointed to Toyota Yim's editor-in-chief when , I first heard " Toyota is the mobility of the company from the car of the company " was a story that.

~ Omitted ~

Well, surely, it's an era where everything is connected . If this happens, make the whole city and connect it ! Is it an idea?

~ Snip ~

President " fellow development ", " This finger and rare " had to say say say its that or ... .

~ The following is omitted ~

* Source: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition, pages 10-11 (double-page spread advertisement)


▼ Hiragana notation  * Underlined part

○ Just / thing / time / connected / made / made

△ Just / Furnishing / Things / Time / Connect / Make / Make

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Emphasized mark * Red part

○ "Toyota is a car"

☆ Commentary

・ When emphasizing, the wording is often enclosed in "".

-Single quotation marks ('') and double quotation marks ("") are used when quoting.

・ "" Is used for master-slave such as "album name" and "recorded song".

・ <> ≪≫ [] [] are used for subject lines and headings.

▼ Exclamation mark (!, Amadare) * Red part

☆ Commentary

-In paper media, it is often preferred to insert a full-width / half-width space (Aki) immediately after the exclamation mark (!).

・ (Because Toyota is not a paper medium) It is interesting that full / half-width spaces are not inserted in the above.

▼ Continuous time of key brackets ("") * Red part

○ "Making friends" "This finger is rare"

△ "Making friends", "This finger is rare"

☆ Commentary

・ If the brackets continue, it is customary not to put a comma (,) between the brackets.

▼ Tone (style)

☆ Commentary

・ Although it has a rough impression of "dashi", it has a frank impression as a whole, with colloquial words such as "well-dashine" and "-chae".

▼ Three-point leader mark (…) * Red part

☆ Commentary

・ Three-point readers often prefer two-letter notation, such as "...", especially on paper media.

・ Unlike Kodansha mentioned above (because Toyota is not a paper medium), it is interesting that it is written in one letter as "...".

・ On the web, "..." may be garbled as a subscript, and "..." and a bullet (・) may be used.



Image: Panasonic newspaper advertisement.

▽ Quoted part

It's going to be an interesting year. I'm excited. For athletes who continue training for the production . People support it us to. Watch people share everyone and excitement it to. And to the one beyond TOKYO . Imagine. Now I found the experience that the. It is and this city, not only in this country, I found myself instead of going will. Enjoy it. And Panasonic together to.

* Source: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition 12 pages (full-page advertisement)


▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

△ Interesting / together

☆ Commentary

・ Kanji notation is usually used for "interesting" and "together", but maybe because of the soft impression, or because of the unified feeling of the beginning and end of the sentence, the hiragana notation was adopted.

▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

○ (players, people) / things / things / things / (me) et al.

△ (players, people) / things / certain / things / (me) etc./go

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Watch * Red part

☆ Commentary

・ Sports, movies, plays, etc. are often classified as "watching" and described as "watching", which is derived from "watching" and "watching".



Image: Canon newspaper advertisement.

▽ Quoted part (Line breaks on the display will be Nariyuki)

~ Omitted ~  New moments will be born one after another while being surrounded by great cheers . The mind tugging the moment, had been left as a single record, the ages " photo " was. What will athletes show? What kind of moment does the photographer aim for? We at Canon want to continue to respond to that intention . A single A New, to record to be handed down to the world order in.

* Source: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) / Yomiuri Shimbun / Morning edition 40 pages (full-page advertisement)


▼ Kanji notation * Red part

△ (~) Medium / Shaking / What / Aim / Response

○ (~) Naka / Yusaburu / What / Aim / Answer

☆ Commentary

・ These are often written in hiragana in copywriting, but maybe because of their strong impression, they are written in kanji.

▼ Hiragana notation * Underlined part

○ (me) us / for

△ (me) us / for

☆ Commentary

-Typical hiragana notation in copywriting.

▼ Emphasized mark * Red part

○ "Photo"

☆ Commentary

・ When emphasizing, the wording is often enclosed in "".

-Single quotation marks ('') Double quotation marks (“”) are used when quoting.

・ "" Is used for master-slave such as "album name" and "recorded song".

・ <> ≪≫ [] [] are used for subject lines and headings.


Notation trends in each company's advertisement

Regarding the hiragana notation, all advertisements were in hiragana notation for "tame", "(us)", and "koto". On the other hand, in "Make", there are also notations such as "Make" (Shogakukan) and "Make" (Toyota Ims) that are divided into kanji and hiragana.

As for marks, emphasis marks and service names used brackets ("") in all advertisements. On the other hand, the three-point leader mark (...) was also divided into two letters and one letter, such as "..." (Kodansha) and "..." (Toyota Ims).

It's a trivial matter, but it's interesting that the notation is slightly different depending on the publisher. It may be because of the profession of copywriter that I am always worried about such detailed notation when I touch the advertisement.

Newspaper ads full of good copies

In addition to the above advertisements, many high-quality full-page advertisements adorned newspapers, but in the subsections, I picked up advertisements that are particularly distinctive in terms of notation.

Newspaper ads are full of good advertising and copywriting. Look a little at newspaper advertisements not only on New Year's Day but also on regular days to find trends in notation and good expressions that can be used as a reference.



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