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All words are kind to people. Easy to read.

Did the word arrive?
If you have a determination to convey.
If there is a future you want to go to.
I want to wake it up in words.
All words are kind to people. Easy to read.
Please let us know.
Make sure it reaches the person you want to deliver
Seriously verbalize your determination and your future.
Text communication specialists
Copywriter | Information Editor
Kazuo Nakamura


The word gets better.

Branding / Rebranding

CI (corporate identity) / branding / companies, government offices, associations, services, brands, products, products, campaigns and events etc.

Philosophy : Corporate Philosophy, Service Philosophy, Product Philosophy, Product and  Philosophy / Vision / Mission / Slogan / Core Value / Goal / Philosophy / Philosophy / Values ​​/ Significance of Existence, such as All Philosophy and Slogans.

guidelines such: Corporate Values, Code of Conduct (Credo) / policy / Creed / motto / norms / beliefs / spirit / standards / principles / attitude / attitude / policy / Promise / rules / trust / belief / spirit / DNA, such as All guidance and policies.

greeting class: President, representative, CEO, directors and chairman of the greeting / declaration / oath / declare / statement / announcement / war / published / issued / censure / message / statement / commitment / announcement / speech writing, such as All greetings and publication statements.


Corresponding service

Wording / Copywriting / Copywork / Concept work / Concept make / Writing / Editing / Proofreading / Review / Sentence check / Refine / Creation of copies and sentences related to information organization / Optimization of expression and communication / Brush-up / Tonmana(such as tone & manner), such as All words.


Target coverage
Advertising / public relations / sales promotion / sales promotion (SP) / recruitment / recruitment in commercial and enlightenment such as companies / government offices / local governments / foundations / associations / organizations / products / products / services / stores / individuals, such as All organizations and fields.


Target media
Web (Web) / Tablet (Tablet) / Mobile (Mobile) / Corporate site / Special site / Special content / Landing page (LP) / Member (closed / Inner) site / Mail order (EC / E-commerce) site / Booklet / Pamphlet / Catalog / Pamphlet / Leaflet / Brochure / Menu / Company profile / CM video movie / Slide show / Banner / POP / Display stand / Digital signage / Outdoor signboard and other traffic advertisements (OOH) / Owned, paid, social and other media /
blogs / SNS posts / E-commerce,
 such as All media.


Target industry (actual basis)

Manufacturer / Home Appliance / Machine / Precision / Information / Communication / Carrier / Retail / Service / Manufacturing / Retail (SPA) / Automobile / Transportation / Transportation / Air Transport / Railway / Postal / Construction / Civil Engineering / Housing / Food / Beverage (Coffee, Drinks, Sake Brewery) / Cosmetics / Beauty / Bank / Insurance / Medical / Clinic / Healthcare / IT / Software / Marketing / Media / Publishing / Cable TV / Education / Science / Culture / Culture / Nature / Nature / Entertainment (Music / Movies) / Sports (soccer, baseball, fishing) / tourism / human resources / advertising, promotion, public relations, such as All of industry and business categories.

Copywriting / wording

Corporate copy / Corporate copy / Service copy / Product copy / Product copy / Catch copy / Tag line / Sales copy / Shoulder copy / Body copy / Title / Lead copy / Global- navigation / Menu / Naming / Service name / Product name / Product name / Pet name (nickname) / selling point, such as All of copy writing, copy work, wording.


Article / column / story / plot / scenario / blog / SNS post / releases / guide / Vision / Message from the President / message / slogan / motto / house magazine / Company history / History / questionnaire, such as All of the writing text work.


Technical writing

UX writing / operation wording / alert wording / form / questionnaire / title for meta tag / OGP title for meta tag / description for meta tag / OGP description for meta tag / template for SNS posting / template for e-mail newsletter / commentary / instruction manual / specifications / calligraphy, such as All about technical writing.

Information editing (content edit)

Information design (IA = information architect) / concept work / concept make / core value organization / edit / calibration / rewrite / configuration / content list / site map / screen transition / various brush-ups, studies, such as All information editing, information organization and content edit.

Communication consulting

Resident, in-house, regular, irregular, spot, regular, long-term, medium-term, short-term, business consignment, etc./Contents such as sites, articles, blogs, posts, documents, etc. Supervision and check / presentation / explanation (accountability) ) / writing manual / various media of operational guidelines / media regulation / notation table / Editorial manual / tone & manner (Tonmana), such as All of the communication works.

Screen subtitles / Caption

Screen subtitles / telops / lines / narration manuscripts / storyboards for various videos and signage for commercials and exhibitions, etc.

Hearing / Interview / Interview

Hearings / interviews / interviews / questionnaires / Q & A manuscripts required for various tasks, etc.



Proposal / Proposal / Presentation / Inquiry / Request / Guide / Organization / Progress Management / Release / Standing / Storyboard / Storyboard / Incense Board / Simple Wireframe (WF) / Manuscript Template / Operation format, etc.


Available tools

Backlog / Chatwork / Crowdtech / Dropbox / Dropbox Paper / Esa / Evernote / Facebook / Google Drive / Google Meet / Gyazo / LINE / MacOS / Microsoft Teams / MS Office ( Excel / PowerPoint / Word ) / Note / PDF / Skype / Slack / Windows / Wix / Wantedly / Zoom etc.



Text communication specialist.

Text communication specialist

Kazuo Nakamura 
コピーライター|中村 和夫|プロフィール|顔写真
After graduating from university, I wandered all over New Zealand and England by hitching, and after returning to Japan, became a reporter for fishing magazines. In editing production, I studied by requesting manuscripts and interviewing celebrities in various fields such as music, movies, and cultural figures, including the literary world such as Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Prize writer, and became a freelance copywriter after working as editor-in-chief of TSUTAYA E-mail magazine. Taking advantage of advanced information editing skills that are trained in both media of paper and web, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry and Fujifilm , such as major of copy work , such as a company SNS investment consulting , Tama Art University and Tokyo Polytechnic University special classes in such as, Based in Atsugi City , Kanagawa, Japan, I'm active in a wide range of fields, mainly in Tokyo. A specialist in "text communication" that covers all media, from analog, digital, web, apps, and movies. The award was Good Design Award (2009), etc.
[1995-2005 | Proper era]
Landing Co., Ltd. | Magazine
Fishing magazine editor / reporter / interview
(Yes) Kijosha ( currently Hitomasha) | Books
Editing music / movies / literary books and booklets
VARIETY USA, inc. | Web
Launch of EC site specializing in overseas magazines / Support for entrepreneurship
TSUTAYA Online Co., Ltd. | Mobile
Editor-in-chief of e-mail newsletter for TSUTAYA mobile site
Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd. | Free magazine
Editing of TSUTAYA free paper "VA"
CYBIRD Co., Ltd. | Content organization
Director of organization that manages and operates mobile content
[2005-present | Freelance era]

Various media
Corporate and government web / mobile / booklet / video / signage

General text
Copywork / writing / narration manuscript / storyboard

Information editing
Editing / proofreading / text check / content list / screen transition

Media guidelines such as content operation / SNS tonmana

Tama Art University Communication Special Class / Corporate Seminar

Award history
Good Design Award / Aczeroyon Award Grand Prize (2009)
  • Hon-Atsugi Office Access: Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture (2 minutes walk from Hon-Atsugi Station)
  • Email address: kazyizm [@]
コピーライター 中村和夫|ブランディング​
フリーランス 神奈川県厚木市
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