Copywriter Kazuo Nakamura

2021年8月31日9 分

10 tips of copywriting

最終更新: 2021年10月11日

Basics of copywriting, writing, and notation (for websites)

No.012|A.Copy basics|A-003

Contents | INDEX

Copywriting as monetization

What is copywriting

Tips of copywriting, before that

10 tips of copywriting

  1. Open / Close


  3. Sign

  4. Full-width / half-width

  5. Active / passive

  6. Modifier / Modified

  7. Unification, response

  8. Proofreading / review

  9. Revision

  10. Paraphrase (obsession)

Reasons to about copywriting

Copywriting as monetization

Titles, headlines, link words, hashtags and a huge amount of text written or struck on the net. Copywriting techniques such as catch phrase may be what content senders seeking monetization on affiliates, EC website, YouTube, etc. want to learn.

Even those who arrive at this blogs may be more than a little interested in or needed to write a copy or text, so write a brush to make it even a little more useful, or typing the text. I will try hard.

What is copywriting

Surprisingly, the word "copy writing" is often not included in general dictionary, so first include the word "copy" and then writing, that is, the word "writing". Perhaps you have to keep the meaning of each word in check, Anyway.

Copy [noun]

4) Advertising text. Advertising draft. "Catch copy" "copywriter"


Writing [Dynamic 5 (4)] ≪Scratching and etymology≫

1) Mark letters and codes. "Write your name on your belongings"
2) Make a sentence. Written. Also write. "Write a diary" "Write a book"


Based on these, in other words, copywriting is writing a copy, so if you explain whether copywriting is copywriting or copywriting is copy writing in my own way (Excuse me, I wrote the word copywriting six times in these few lines),

Copywriting [noun]

Copywriting is the writing of advertising texts, drafts, and catchphrases. A set of texts of copies and sentences (title, lead, text, etc.) mainly for the purpose of promotion, promotion, incentive, arousal, recognition, etc. in companies, organizations, businesses, stores, people, products, services, events, things. , One sentence, one phrase, one word. A series of verbalization. It also includes organizing, organizing, and assembling the information and contents that accompany them. Kind: Warding

I don't mean to be in an upstream position, but I'm a poor explanation, but as a dictionary, I feel that I can explain it well.

Tips of copywriting, before that

It's not a spoiler here, but it's OK to spoil it separately, but it says that it is the "basic of copy writing", but it is not a reason to mention common psychological aspects such as attitude, target sentiment, persona (It's an important element, but I'll leave that to the world's books, spoilers, and blogs of intellectuals).

Before the psychological aspect, what I want to emphasize in the sense of basics is a more basic and concrete point, and what I will mention from now on is the element that I actually learned in commercial copy writing so far. For me, it is no exaggeration to say that "everything you are careful about in copywriting".

Anyway, It's not a big deal right away. Tips of copywriting that I keep in mind are 10 things. Please refer to it.

* The following is my interpretation with reference to the cases and cases related to the past, and I do not conclude.

* This is just an example and one of the ideas, and does not deny various methods and interpretations of the world.

* This may not be the case depending on various conditions such as the matter, context, font, design, and specifications.

10 tips of copywriting

01)Open / Close

  • Be aware of "HIRAGANA" (HIRAKU means open) notation and "KANJI" (TOJIRU means close) notation.

  • In particular, pay attention to the wording written in "Hiragana" and decide in advance the notation that is easy to worry about.

  • The following KANJI notation is a typical example (6 patterns) that is easier to read in HIRAGANA notation.

  1. Usually: 有難う御座います/有る・或る/殆ど/又/色々/下さい/様々/揃う/~達 etc.

  2. Adverbs: 予め/更に/既に/全て/是非/沢山/共・供・伴/尚/全く/迄/宜しく etc.

  3. Formal nouns: 事/為/度(たび)/時(とき)/所(ところ)/~等/(~な・の)物 etc.

  4. Auxiliary verbs / adjectives: ~行く(単体は漢字)/致します/~して頂く/~して居る etc.

  5. Compound verbs: ~し続ける/~し直す/~回・周・廻す(る) etc.

  6. Others:~と言う(連体詞の場合)/何時/及び/~の通り/~な・の中 etc.

* Reference: 50 smarter kanji to write in hiragana (May 5, 2020 @ This Blog)

* Reference: "Reporter's Handbook 13th Edition Glossary for Newspapers" (Kyodo News)


  • Be aware of "Add OKURIGANA" and "no OKURIGANA" notations for okurigana.

  • Predetermine the notation of OKURIGANA, which is easy to worry about (corporate = 受け付ける / EC = 申込先 etc.)

  • Distinguish by the rule "verbs is all add OKURIGANA" and "nouns is all no OKURIGANA".

  • The following are typical examples of troublesome OKURIGANA notation (16 cases) that appear on commercial sites.

<verbs is all add OKURIGANA> <nouns is all no OKURIGANA>

  1. ける 1. 受付(窓口)

  2. わせる 2. 打合(先)

  3. げる 3. 売上(金)

  4. 4. 買出(品)

  5. 5. 書込(用紙)

  6. 6. 締切(日)

  7. 7. 立寄(所)

  8. てる 8. 積立(金)

  9. わせる 9. 問合(先)

  10. 10.取扱(品)

  11. 14.乗合(バス)

  12. 11.払戻(金)

  13. える 12.引換(券)

  14. 13.引継(先)

  15. ける 15.待受(画面)

  16. 16.申込(先)

* Reference: How to assign okurigana (Agency for Cultural Affairs)

* Reference: "Must-have character dictionary" Appendix 1 How to add OKURIGANA (SANSEIDO edition)


  • Be aware of the notation of symbols (punctuation marks, signs, signatures). Minimal types used in the publication medium.

  • Predetermine the notation of symbols that are easy to worry about (narrow down).

  • The following are typical examples of troublesome symbols that appear on commercial sites and specifications (10 cases).

  1. (読点):区切り的に使用 例)赤

  2. (ナカグロ):並列的に使用 例)赤は123番、青は45番、黄は6番

  3. (コロン):同格的に使用 例)赤3品、青2品、黄1品

  4. (スラッシュ):択一的に使用 例)赤黄からお選びください

  5. ()(パーレン):補足的、よみに使用 例)赤キズあり/文言もんごん

  6. 「」(一重カギ):口語や強調に使用 例)赤だよと彼は答えた/決め手は

  7. 『』(二重カギ):作品や階層的に使用 例)「読んだのは坊っちゃんだ」と彼は語った

  8. (三点):結合的、余韻的に使用 例)赤今回は1品だけの入荷/たった1品か

  9. (ナミ):時空間的、省略的に使用 例)AZまで/iPhoneXX pro(ただし初出以降)

  10. (コメ):注釈的に使用 例)18歳未満は入店お断り

* Reference: Correct names and usage of character symbols (July 11, 2019 @ SHIZUYAMADO Publishing "note")

04)Full-width / half-width

  • Be aware of full-width / half-width notation. *1

  • Full-width: Japanese, symbols (including punctuation marks and "!?" / Excluding "/", "-", "_", etc. on the URL). *2

  • Half-width: English, numbers *3

*1: Flexible rules are formulated according to the font, design, specifications, format, etc. of the posting medium.

*2: Half-width symbols are difficult to see, and there are many examples of non-adoption from the viewpoint of system bugs.

*3: Mainstream numbers on paper media are full-width for one digit, and half-width for two digits (three or more digits are available in full- width or Chinese numerals for vertical writing mode).

* Reference: "Since there are many vertical writing patterns in paper media, the numbers are especially" (October 13, 2012 @ posted on my Facebook)

05)Active / passive

  • Aware of active / passive style

  • In particular, Japanese is valid even if the nominative case is omitted, so be aware of the relationship between the hidden nominative case and its predicate.

  • Passive is also conscious because there is also an expression as a polite (respect) word.

1. Active: (People) write sentences.

* The abbreviated "person" is the nominative case, so the predicate is active.

2.Passive: Sentences are written (by a person).

* Because "sentence" is the nominative case, the predicate is passive.

3. Polite: Teacher text was written.

* Predicates are politely expressed for the nominative "teacher".

* Reference: Mini-course on language and culture (Mr. Masao Shibata, Department of Japanese Culture, Faculty of Humanities, MEISEI University)

06)Modifier / Modified

  • Awareness of Modifier / Modified. *1

  • Close the distance between the modifier and the modified.

  • Place the modifier before the modified

△ Bad ex: Really / not good at words / written by a copywriter / a copy / I can't believe.

○ Good ex: Not good at words / written by a copywriter / a copy / really / I can't believe.

⇒ In the ex, "Really" is modifier, and "I can't believe" is modified.

*1: The relationship between the two responding in "word, phrase, and clause" and "subject and predicate" is also called "concern".

* Reference: Bring modifiers and modifiers closer together (December 15, 2017 @ "1421st Broadcast Terminology Committee" NHK)

07)Unification, response

  • Awareness of Unification, response.

  • Unify and respond to parts of speech and expressions in various places such as words, phrases, copies, headings, phrases, specifications, etc.

  • Due to readability, readability, and design, the number of characters is unified and responded to in various places depending on the case.

△ Bad ex

  1. Proposal, news releases, further such promotional e-mail of writing a document who is responsible for the sales promotion and public relations.

  2. People who publish content (blogs, e-mail newsletters, social media, etc.).

  3. EC sites and services site to run self-employed people in, work of individuals selling freelance people.

○ Good ex

  1. Proposal, news releases, such as promotional e-mail, to create a business statement, any promotional personnel.

  2. Blog, newsletter, and social media, to share the content, all the information the caller.

  3. EC site, service site, such as a work site, to sell goods and merchandise, management of Amata administrator.

* The beginning of a good ex: 3 nouns + etc./20 characters (2 characters count 1 character in English) by unifying and responding (Case).

* The middle of a good ex: Object + verb / unified with 10 characters by unifying and responding (Predicate).

* The End of a good ex: Modifier (Hiragana) + Modified (Target) / Unified with 9 characters by unifying and responding (Subject).

Each of the above example sentences contains multiple pieces of information of the same degree, but by unifying and responding as in the latter (good ex), it becomes easier to read (easier to see) and easier to understand at a glance.

* Reference: "MAINICHI Shimbun Glossary MAINICHI e-books" (MAINICHI Newspaper)

08)Proofreading / review

  • Be aware of "proofreading" and "review" in confirmation work such as reviewing, reading back, and checking.

  • Proofreading: Correction of typographical errors and omissions. Performed by someone other than the writer (revision = latter stage if the writer himself does).

  • Review: Correction of factual errors and deficiencies. Ideally, it should be done by someone other than the writer (even the writer himself).

Ex) The altitude of Mt. Fuji, which is known as the dead mountain in Japan, is 4,776 meters.

⇒ Proofreading: deadhighest (correction of typographical errors)

⇒ Review: 4,7763,776 (correction of factual errors)

* Reference: "Standard calibration must-have" (Japan Editor School)

* Reference: "Professional technology that does not overlook every mistake in the eyes of reviewers" (MAINICHI Shimbun Review Group)


  • Work to read back and correct by yourself = In revision, be aware that you will be a reader, not a writer (plain reading).

  • Mainly conscious of shortening (conciseness) such as omission within the range that does not deviate from the viewpoint of "proofreading" and "review".

  • In addition, supplements and additions can be handled (should have been done) by 08) proofreading / review in the previous section.

<Examples that can be omitted or omitted when elaborating>

  1. Demonstratives (this and that, this one, which one) etc.

  2. Conjunctions (well, and then, because, however, or even), etc.

  3. Nominative, target people (you, customers, etc.), auxiliary verbs (DESU-MASU, DADE-ARU, ITASU), etc.

  4. Predicates (completed, Available, appeared, on sale, ready), etc. (because it is often clear)

  5. Adverbs (quite, very) etc.

  6. Words and sentences that convey the essence or are considered unnecessary even if omitted, such as duplication, excess, and concrete examples, etc.

* Both depend on conditions such as context. If the essence is more conveyed, it doesn't matter if the number of characters increases.

* Reference: "What is the omission of words?" (TAISHUKAN SHOTEN)

10)Paraphrase (obsession)

  • As a final finish, when brushing up or refining, be conscious of paraphrasing better, even better, and best words and expressions.

  • Being conscious of paraphrasing "nothing simple words and expressions" ( *2 ) more than "main and keywords" ( *1 ).

*1: Paraphrase ex (approach) of the main and keywords ⇒ The purpose is to detect the optimum words.

  1. Studies on the Internet such as Google, YouTube, and Thread site (Google also searches for news and images).

  2. Studies on SNS such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

  3. Books and Internet, such as a dictionary based on the study.

  4. Books and the Internet, such as thesaurus based on the study.

  5. Books and the Internet, such as the English in the study.

*2: Ex of paraphrasing simple words and expressions ⇒ The purpose is to be obsessed with the best words.

  1. Means : Value / Current status / Event / Actual situation / Fact

  2. Time : Second / Moment / free minute / Flash / Scene

  3. Point : Core / Spot / Essence / Gist / Focus

On 01) to 09) were made, depending on various conditions such as medium, planning, target, difficult, easy, hard, soft, cool, cool, trend, current affairs, nostalgic, solid, pointed, cutie, soft , Ennui, etc. Repeat brushing up and refining for the best words, expressions, and tones.

* Reference: What is the most important technique in copywriting? (January 13, 2020 @ This blog)

Reasons to about copywriting

When I hear about copy writing techniques, items 07) and 10) are a little like that, but they are not the reason why they have such amazing advanced skills and tricks, and all items are basically just earnest. The reality is that I'm accumulating sober work, but it's just my method.

For me, these 10 tips are always conscious when dealing with copywriting, including procedures or steps, and although it varies slightly depending on the project and conditions, this can be said to be all the basics, seriously.

Even though there are only 10 tips (although some items may have been forgotten),

if someone asks why you are so serious about copywriting so much. Because it's an era of flooding with information and text,

To deliver the essence of the information of the client (sender) to the seeker (reader) accurately, concisely, and easily.

I can only answer from the bottom of my heart, and it is a habit of a copywriter, but in other words, as long as there are people who want to deliver information and those who want it, as long as the text of information proliferates, it is accurate, concise, We will confront copywriting tonight with the belief that it is easy, that is, "All words kind to people. Easy to read."

